Summer has finally arrived on the farm and our wildlife area is coming on a treat.

At the bottom of the Glyn Valley, two fields below the cottages, we’ve created a nature reserve fenced off from the horses. Guests are welcome to visit but please keep dogs on a lead on the way down if horses are about.

In the centre is a stream fed pond with a small island that is flourishing with water plants like water lilies and bulrushes. The water and the plants are attracting lots of wildlife including, at this time of year in June, magnificent dragon flies basking in the sun.

We have recorded pole cats on trail cameras passing through as well as foxes, badgers, wild duck, Canada geese and a family of tawny owls. We know there are otters not much further downstream so I’m sure we get some of them checking out this new habitat as well.

We have placed some large stones at a viewing point which act like a giant sofa and an ideal spot to contemplate the pond and its surrounds while the horses on the other side of the valley look on.

Its all very peaceful and very much part of the tranquillity that the Welsh Marches cottages have to offer to visitors.

Our dogs love to have a swim and a paddle in the water and there’s our warm doggy shower in the laundry room to make sure they are clean and comfortable afterwards. There are always plenty of towels to dry them off.


Skirrid holiday cottage under construction

Water lilies and bulrushes are flourishing in the pond

Skirrid holiday cottage under construction

A stone viewpoint to relax and enjoy the tranquillity

Sugarloaf and Blorenge holiday cottages under construction

Our dogs Brewdog and Smudge enjoying a dip in the pond